
In support of queer libraries/archives, the library/archive workers who run them, the creators who fill them, & the users who love them, since 2010. 


Que(e)ry in Print

July 3, 2024

Que(e)ry's in print! A chapter in Grabbing Tea: Queer Conversations on Archives and Practice, just published by Library Juice Press, features an oral history of Que(e)ry parties and fundraising since 2010. Along with Grabbing Tea: Queer Conversations on Identity and Libraries, this two-volume set contains several other thoughtful and entertaining conversations on queerness in library and archives work. You can buy your own copy of volume 1 here and volume 2 here. Use the code TEATIME for 30% off until August 31!

Also, some of the Que(e)ry team were involved in this new volume Inclusive Cataloging: Histories, Context, and Reparative Approaches, just published by ALA Publishing. A number of chapters deal with gender, sexuality, and queer topics in cataloging and metadata. 

Fall 2021 Reads

October 1, 2021

Here's another selection of recent and forthcoming books that have caught our eyes. What's on your list? Send us your recommendations to add here, and look for these titles at your local libraries and independent bookstores!





Graphic Novels/Comics:

Pride Month 2021

June 2, 2021 - UPDATED June 12, 2021

Happy Pride Month! Que(e)ry turns 11 years old this month, and while we don't have an in-person celebration in the works yet, we want to share some other events, and a few recent and forthcoming queer books that have caught our eyes, including some Lammy winners! Pick them up from your local queer bookstore or library! 





June 10: Queer Love in Color: Jamal Jordan with Blair Imani (NYPL)

June 12: Brooklyn Pride

June 13: Brooklyn Liberation Action for Trans Youth

June 17: Ice Cream Social Celebrating Pride Month (Brooklyn; METRO Library Council)

June 27: Queer Liberation March (NYC)

June 27: Rainbow Roundtable Virtual Social (ALA Annual)

June 28: Stonewall Book Awards Celebration (Virtual, ALA Annual)

June 28: Virtual LGBTQ Pride Night (Library of Congress)

More June and Pride events hosted by:

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